Physical Environment In The Workplace Case Study

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Elsbach & Pratt, 2007 define that the physical environment in the workplace has been described as all material objects and stimuli that employees interact with in their working lives. Material objects can be observed at both for macro (e.g. buildings) and micro levels (e.g. furnishings and office arrangements). Stimuli include the conditions under which employees work such as lighting and temperature. Salient factors within the physical work environment that may impact on employees can be divided into several broad areas: ambient properties, spatial arrangements and architectural design. According to Evans, Johansson & Carrere, 1994; McCoy, 2002 ambient properties refer to factors such as noise, temperature, air quality, and vibration; spatial …show more content…

The Physical layout of the workplace such as furniture, noise, lighting, temperature, overall comfort, physical security, the quality of air, formal and informal meeting areas, work areas and so on could impacts employee performance. Lablebici (2012), study on impact of workplace quality on employee productivity, a case study of a bank in Turkey, believes that the quality of the physical environment may strongly influence the ability to recruit and retain talented people of an organization. Nevertheless from his study, people who work under inconvenience conditions may experience low performance and face occupational illnesses which cause high absenteeism and …show more content…

It also considered as physical and mental capabilities which it limits the worker as he or she interacts with tools, equipment, work methods, tasks and the working environment (Washington State Department of Labor and Industries, 2002). Ergonomics workplace is existence from physical work environment which is to know a result of people whether fit or unfits to the environment of their workplace.

Ergonomic physical workplace usually helps the employees from not getting nerve injury (Cooper & Dewe, 2004). According to Tarcan et al. (2004), if the organization provides a good working environment and taking ergonomics consideration in designing workplace, it will increase the employees’ loyalty level. Ergonomics also known as the solution of having good working conditions and to improve quality, productivity, occupational health and safety and cost reductions (Yeaw and Nath Sen, 2003).
Poor ergonomics design has significant economic implications for the organization through employee dissatisfaction, health symptoms problem, absenteeism, poor work quality and lowered productivity (Dua, 1994; Yeow and Nath Sen, 2003). However, Brill et al. (1985), stated that a few factors of physical work environment that need to improved or upgraded which is involving lightings, floor configuration, office layout and also furniture

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