Pharmaceutical Care Case Study

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Pharmaceutical Care is 'the capable procurement of medication treatment with the end goal of accomplishing definite results which enhance a patient's Quality of Life’(Hepler 1990). Pharmaceutical care is a practice for which the professional assumes liability for a patient's medication treatment needs and is considered responsible for this dedication (Anonymous 1997). Hepler portrayed pharmaceutical care as ‘an outcome oriented, agreeable, methodical way to deal with medication treatment coordinated with desired results for health related quality of life (Hepler 1996). Yet, even inside of one nation there can be contrasts in definitions. Where the Scottish pharmacist’s organization discusses pharmaceutical care, the pharmacist’s organization …show more content…

Half of the patients occasionally forgot to take their medication (stig 2002). In an UK study in patients over 75 and undergoing multiple drug therapy, Krska et al identified (potential) problems in medication records of general practitioners practices. (krska 2001). They found that all patients had at least two pharmaceutical care issues (issues that involved a drug-related problem) at baseline. Half of these were identified from the prescription records, the rest from notes and patient interviews. Such studies confirm the need to regularly counsel patients. This need for counselling has (again) been confirmed in Finland by Kansanaho ET (kansanaho 2002). In many studies, patients also express their wish to be counselled about the proper use of medicines (bell 2000). In some countries medication analysis or review is a standard part of pharmacy practice. Hawksworth et al. published a study about the UK, in which pharmacists intervened in 0.74% of the dispensed items (Hawksworth 2001). In the Netherlands, pharmacies documented their activities as a result of prospective computerised medication review; 38% of all interventions resulting from computer generated alerts or other forms of professional assessments led to a change in the prescription or patient education activities. These interventions represented over 9% of all prescriptions dispensed (van Mil 2001) Buurma et al found that 4.9% of prescriptions for prescription-only medicines (mean 14.3 per pharmacy per day) were modified in the Nether- lands to prevent or correct drug-related problems (buuma 2001). Increasingly other European countries like UK, Den- mark, Sweden, Germany, Switzerland, among others also keep track of medicines dispensed to patients in computerised

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