Persuasive Essay: Should Schools Use Chocolate Milk?

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Many websites, health magazines, and even some adults say that chocolate milk is good for you. But is it really? If you look at the back of a Trumoo carton, that is given with hot lunch at Argonaut, you will see that the carton contains 18 grams of sugar! Even though I like chocolate milk, I believe that it should not be served every day, especially in school. I think schools should ban chocolate milk because it has a high amount of sugar, it is no better than regular milk, and can lead obesity in children.

As I said before, one carton of chocolate milk has 18 grams of sugar. According to FamilyEducation(R), that is about half of the daily amount of sugar an average child should consume. An average child consumes around 60 grams of sugar a day. Now, if you add chocolate milk, the number would rise to 78 grams of sugar. If a child drank one carton of chocolate milk every day, they would consume 31,436 grams of sugar in a year. As stated by Jamie Oliver, a food lover and famous chef, ¨When kids drink chocolate milk or strawberry milk every day at school, they are getting nearly two gallons of extra sugar every year.¨ On his show, ¨Food Revolution¨, Oliver fills a schools bus with 57 …show more content…

Although that may be true, the sugar and the fat contained in one carton of chocolate milk weigh down on that fact. Furthermore, serving chocolate milk after a marathon or any endurance race would be good because the people who ran the race had just completed an intense workout. According to ¨MyFitnessPal¨, regular milk has the same nutrition as chocolate milk. The only difference is the sugar. In a study about chocolate milk, they found that if kids were given a choice between plain milk and no milk at all, they would choose regular milk. This shows that if chocolate milk were to be removed from the menu, kids would get the nutrients they need from milk, without the added

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