Benefits Of Chocolate

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Chocolate is considered as the ultimate comfort foodstuff, a reliable support in times of stress, and a yummy source to improve your mood when you’re feeling down and how can we forget it as a symbol of romance-inducer in more positive situations. But are all kinds of chocolate healthy?

If you rejects lots of it, clearly not. But there is a host of medically proven methods in which good chocolate, especially dark chocolate with around 70% cocoa or more has been found good for the heart, blood circulation and brain. Also, dark chocolate is beneficial in major health challenges such as obesity, diabetes and autism.

1. Dark Chocolate is Very Nutritious

Eating quality dark chocolate with a high cocoa content is actually very nutritious. It …show more content…

Conclusion: Cocoa and dark chocolate have powerful antioxidants, more than most foods.

3. Dark Chocolate lower Blood Pressure and improves Blood Circulation

The flavanols in dark chocolate can help the endothelium, the lining of arteries, to make Nitric Oxide (NO), which is a gas. Functions of NO are sending signals to the arteries to relax, which therefore reduces blood pressure. Many trials show that cocoa and dark chocolate has the potential to improve blood flow and lower blood pressure, but the effects mild.

Conclusion: The bioactive compounds contained in cocoa can improve blood circulation and cause a statistically significant decrease in blood pressure.

4. Dark Chocolate Raises HDL production and Protects LDL against Oxidation.

Eating dark chocolate can help minimize several critical cardiac risks factors. In controlled tests, cocoa was found to be able to significantly cut oxidization of LDL (cholesterol) in men.

It also increases HDL and lower LDL in men with increased cholesterol. Oxidized LDL (cholesterol) means that the LDL “bad” (cholesterol) reacts with free

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