Should Chocolate Milk Be Served In Schools?

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Chocolate milk and a cafeteria don't go together like frosting on a cupcake, so don’t put them together. Schools should not serve chocolate milk to students. It’s easy to think that chocolate milk is just as healthy as white milk, but when you look at the facts, it is very clear that we should not serve chocolate milk in schools. It has been found that our bodies don’t need chocolate milk, there is too much sugar, and chocolate milk can cause illnesses and diseases. Chocolate milk should not be served in schools now or ever again. One reason we should not serve chocolate milk is there is too much sugar. For example, Chloe Baker, from the Australian Investigative Reporter, says, “That one carton of milk has 30 grams of added sugar, white milk to start has 12 grams of sugar already, that is more than soda!” Many people think that chocolate milk is healthy but, it really is not healthy at all. Also, “When kids drink just …show more content…

For example, according to PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) short term diseases can cause high levels of cholesterol, and saturated fat leads to obesity, most people say this isn’t true but studies show it is. Why have your kids get sick when there are other things waiting, this is important for parents to know and avoid this drink. In addition, PETA says “In long term conditions it causes cholesterol and saturated fat leads to heart disease and cancer.” This shows that chocolate milk can cause illnesses or diseases to kids or adults. To conclude, Dr.Frank A. Oski Director at the Department of Pediatrics at Johns Hopkins University says that chocolate milk can cause cramps, diarrhea, and allergies, all things that can be short or long term effects. This supports my claim because, it shows that children or adults could get this from this harmful drink in disguise. As one can see, we need to stop serving chocolate milk because of the illnesses and diseases it

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