Persuasive Essay On The Hunger Games

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Imagine going to the movie theaters to watch your favorite film, The Hunger Games. You walk up to the never ending lines at the concession stands to buy yourself a pack of white chocolate peanut butter cups. By the time you check out, the movie is about to start, so you rush over to be seated. When you were halfway there, you hear a loud scream, a man is being dragged out of the theaters by multiple staff. The man in question looked as if he were about to cry, with his face completely red, and his hands trembling with embarrassment. His oversized pockets were stretched, filled to the brim with delectable candies, the crunchiest chips, and anything else you could ever imagine. If only he hadn’t snuck food in, it would’ve saved him some major embarrassment. Is risking the rules worth having a few munchies during a move? This is a controversial topic for movie goers everywhere. People shouldn’t be allowed the right to snack, not only is it a more troubling than beneficial, it’s also a movie theaters main profit. …show more content…

According to the text, “Breaking those rules can have severe consequences too.” This shows you could get kicked out or possibly banned just for not coughing up an extra $5 at the concession stands. The risk of sneaking food into theaters outweighs any benefits it may have. In addition to this, “Sneaking foods into the movies is kinda like bringing your own pasta to Olive Garden.” Food is what makes movies fun, when you bring your own food it kinda ruins the purpose if ever going to the theaters. You might as well have rent a movie and eat as much food as you want at home for way less. What's the point of sneaking food into the movie theaters when it ruins the purpose of going there and causes more trouble than

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