The Hunger Games Dialectical Journal

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Journal #1 Entry #1 The book The Hunger Games is full of critical scenes. A critical scene is a type of scene that is necessary for the book to have a story. One very important critical scene is when Prim was chosen at the reaping. When she was chosen Katniss decided to take her place as a tribute. Why did Katniss take her place? What could have happened if she didn't take her place? Katniss didn't worry about Prim being chosen because her name was only on one piece of paper out of thousands of others. At the beginning of the reaping Effie Trinket said “Happy Hunger Games!. May the odds ever be in your favor” (19) sadly the odds were not in the favor of Katniss’ family. When Prim was chosen Katniss didn't know what to do.

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