Persuasive Essay On Identity Security

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Identity theft is a crime that could ruin the life of the victim. It affects millions of people each year, which forces them to feel violated without having to deserve it. People often don't realize the impacts of having their identity stolen until law enforcement is required to get involved. People's lives can be stolen from them when their identity is taken. They can have lots of their personal assets taken from them if a credit card is stolen, which can be very scary. Not only can assets be taken, but a sense of safety can be taken as well. It is important to be able to feel safe in one's own life, which is why it is necessary to be protected from this crime.

If one's identity is stolen, they have to go through lots of extraneous processes …show more content…

But, these safety nets require a shift in one's daily life. To ensure ones identity's safety, they should start being more aware of their device. By fixing passwords to be different or changing them frequently, a person is faces a lower risk of someone logging into their accounts and stealing their information: " a good place for everyone to start to be proactive and responsible. Use different passwords for every site you use...don’t share passwords with anyone...use a password to access your phone"(B). These tasks can be surprisingly hard to complete, as having a routine password for everything and having easy access to phones are the simplest ways to go about. But, in order to protect oneself from a serious threat, it is necessary to take extra precautionary measures. Not only should one protect their technology, a person should also protect their banking. By checking credits and using careful banking strategies, being a victim of identity theft is less likely: "Ask periodically for a copy of your credit report. Maintain careful records of your banking and financial accounts. Keep track of credit card and bank statements regularly, and use credit protection services if you can to monitor your accounts. Shred all mail that has any identifying information on it instead of discarding it in the trash" (A-B). Though tedious, checking for abnormalities in banking and checking as well as shredding documents with private information can save a person from identity

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