Persuasive Essay On Cyber Security

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Cyber security is like trying to box while being blindfolded.. Cyber instability may cause massive panic in citizens of the United States. Government surveillance is one of the platforms of cyber security and it started to erupt after the 9/11 incident. The main ways the government watches people today is with cell phone, social media, and email surveillance. Should they be able to invade our privacy? Maybe. Many crimes are committed on computers everyday whether it be credit card hacks, stolen identities, or even social media accounts taken. Cyber attacks may lead people to distrust the cyber community and the people behind cyber protection.
With security being a major part of our country 's problems, the government is cracking down on …show more content…

For example, this year Hillary Clinton was put under a microscope for the use of a private email address. When government officials learned that she had this extra email they scrutinized her continuously about it. Next, she was investigated to see if she had classified information on this email, not the private email that the government provides. This is another form of proof of the never ending government surveillance these days. Along with emails the government uses the combing through social media pages or profiles. Although most profiles of social media can be seen at all times on the internet. The government can make the private posts accounts available to themselves at all …show more content…

The hackers, if they are successful, can gain information on developments in firepower and even worse the nuclear bomb codes. So cyber security is crucial for the government to keep their sensitive information safe. This was shown when a Chinese hacker hacked government email accounts with a form of phishing. Phishing is the attempt to acquire sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details often for malicious reasons, by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication (Wikipedia). This led to government officials shutting down most alerts on employee accounts to prevent this form of hacking. Phishing is often present in emails mostly. Such as if someone was to receive an email from their boss on an important task the hacker could have hidden malware in the email. Then even though they opened what appeared to be an informational email from their boss they let a hacker into their computers and they will be able to access anything on your computer they have the skills to

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