Persuasive Essay On Horse Slaughter

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Horse slaughter should be allowed in all places. Horse slaughter reduces the population in the ecosystem. First, it makes it easier for horse owner´s to get rid of old or unwanted horses. Horse slaughter can make it to make food for people to eat every day of our lives. Next, horses are kind of starting to take over.

Horse slaughter reduces the horse population. ¨If not properly regulated, horse population could get out of control.¨ First, the text is saying that if the population is not taken care of properly, then everything would be off balance and animals would outweigh humans in the world. The food chain would also not be right. The wild horses would eat all their prey and then not have anything else to eat.¨If this happens, not every …show more content…

¨Because a handful amount of people eat horse meat on a regular basis. Proponents argue that slaughtering these animals will provide more food for the people.¨ First, slaughtering these animals will provide more food since people eat horse meat on a regular basis. So really there is no real reason as to why we need to not slaughter these horses for food or money. ¨Hence, many don’t see any reason why this should be discontinued or banned.¨ Next, the rest of the people that don't understand this process just need to figure out that we also need food and a fair handful of our population eat horse meat. It's also just really healthy for us to eat and to have. In my personal opinion people should slaughter horses for the food we eat and to help keep the population of horses reduced. Some people say that there are health risks and yes that's true but really the people who are slaughtering horses can just wear a mask or anything to to protect them and not horribly sick.¨Slaughterhouses need people to cut the horse meat. ¨ Finally, people can earn money from the food we eat and they do so much work to provide the meat for us. It also helps when they wear the correct gear and use the correct gear for slaughtering the horses and not catching anything they don't need

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