Persuasive Essay On College Algebra

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So, college algebra sucks. And I know this to be true because it has been the only class I have almost failed. I was a senior in high school when I had the horrific thought, “I think I’m going to take college algebra.” Worst idea ever. I spent the last semester of my senior year in doubt of my ability to pass the class. Thankfully, I was able to escape, what I thought was the inevitable demise of my college GPA. It was not easy, but I won the final battle to secure my title as king of college algebra. With this being said, I will show you how to almost fail college algebra. My old high school works jointly with Eastern Arkansas Community College. Professors come down and teach college level classes for college level credit at a fraction of the cost. It’s a pretty sweet deal. The only downfall to my college algebra course though was that we couldn’t have a …show more content…

During the time we did this, no one monitored us. So of course, we used our beloved friend Mathway for the vast majority of problems. It showed us how to do the work, so that was helpful since we were, more or less, teaching ourselves. I tried to workout by hand at least two of every different kind of problem on our homework. I pretty much knew how to do anything anyway, the test wouldn’t be that hard. We did this low grade clerical work for two weeks, or what seemed like two years, until our first exam. Exam number one. The test to start off the semester. Bombed it. What seemed to be so easy, all of a sudden, got extremely difficult. I went blank. Scientifically speaking, I had test anxiety. Next thing I know, I’m sitting with a F in the class. A pretty low F at that. But how? All of this “low grade clerical work” was such a breeze. It was like I forgot everything I did for the past two weeks. So of course I panic. I can’t go into college next fall with an unacceptable grade like that on my transcript! I make it a point to study hard for the next

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