Personal Ownership

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Note: My responses are indented for clarity.

What does taking ownership of your learning mean to you?

When I own something, that means that I have been granted the authority to control it and do with it as I please. Also, it means that the responsibility to maintain it is mine. This applies to taking ownership of my learning in a few ways. Firstly, I have the autonomy to learn in any way that I want; I can learn in a university, online, through alternative sources, or not at all. Further, my education is my responsibility. Just like relationships take time and work, education does too, and the more I put into my education, the more I will get out of it.

Personal reflections:

Takes ownership of the learning process by setting personal educational …show more content…

Punishment systems and reward systems only deliver short term benefits and sometimes don’t deliver at all. If grades and praise are a student’s only motivation, then once the student is outside of academia, then, with no source of grades and praise, they will no longer be motivated to learn.

Pushes him/herself to think deeper about issues and draw connections to their personal, academic, and professional lives.

A person with this attitude has a perspective that allows them to look beyond day-to-day academic tasks and view the broader picture of their life. This encourages healthy, long-term decisions.

Views the instructor as a guide, but themselves as the pursuer of deeper understanding.

This is crucial! Like they say, “If you want it done well, do it yourself.”. If you want to learn, it’s up to you to get the education you seek. Of course instructors can be of tremendous help though. For instance, one of my goals is to succeed here at University of the People, and this course is a fantastic resource for just that. My instructor has gathered all kinds of reading materials and has created many exercises like this one that stimulate deeper thinking about my

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