Personal Narrative: The Shoes That Changed My Life

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We experience a lot of different things in our lives every day, most of the times are challenges that are hard for us to face. And to face these challenges, we have this valuable possessions that somewhat gives us strength and confidence to face anything that is thrown on us. These items are very different from person to person. It may seem silly to others, but for me, my most valuable possession is my old shoes. Usually, people go to the store and pick one themselves. In my case it went the other way around; it was the shoes that came to me. I was twelve and I’m about to go to high school that time. It was my uncle who gave it to me. He came to our house to visit us. Before he left, he handed me these odd-looking thing wrapped with duct tape. When I opened it, I was welcomed with a sweet smell of new shoes. The shoes were black, made with canvass with white rubber sole and white laces. There were nothing too fancy or special about it. But, as a two hundred pound kid, it is really hard to find a decent size of shoes to fit my feet. It would take me hours of searching at every …show more content…

For me, it was a struggle being fat. Bullies at school made fun of me. It's sad because I didn't have anyone on my side. I didn't have any friends because I had this social anxiety. Whenever there's a group activity I am always the last pick. Having this problems has been very much emotional for me. So, walking have been my way of compensating it. I walked my way home every day for an hour and a half, it was great because it gave me time to reflect and it helped me forget all of the bad things that have happened that day, and at the same time I'm also losing weight. I did it for two years. It was a long time but it really paid off. My classmates started to notice me, they even appreciated my dedication on losing weight. It made me happy because for the first time I felt accepted. And I became confident with

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