Personal Narrative: Improving Academic Skills

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The strategies I learned this semester were important for improving my academic skills. The first week of class we learned what our learning styles were. I can study more easily and take better notes in class knowing my learning style. I can read and understand college textbooks better. The note-taking skills I learned really helped me to write better notes in class. We learned a few note-taking formats, and the one that I still use is the outline format. I also learned new and better ways to study that helped me to make better grades than I originally would have. There are many ways I can apply what I learned in this class to other courses. My new study skills can help me to do better on tests. My new test taking skills I learned can also help me to do better on tests. I study better and I can apply that to making better grades. I have better listening skills that I can use to learn in my future courses. The papers I had to write developed my writing skills so that now I can write better papers. The information literacy project we did can help …show more content…

At the beginning of the semester I came to college not knowing what to expect. I had a vague idea of what I would experience, but that was it. LSUA 1001 is a great class because it showed me that college does not have to be overwhelming. You can have a great college experience. I know that my grades are better because of LSUA 1001. I went out and did things on campus that I normally would not of because of this class. I had a great experience because of it. There are some challenges I still face. My studying habits may have improved, but I could work on not studying at the last minute. Time is another obstacle for me. I still put things off until the last minute. I should study more, which would make taking tests a lot easier. My grades also improved, but I could bring them up just a little and that would also improve my

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