Personal Narrative: How We Grow The Brain

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P1: Diagnostic Essay
How we grow the brain? The article was started off by saying that you can grow your brain by practicing and learning new things the hard way and doing different methods not just one particular way. By saying that if you keep on trying to learn something new you will eventually learn it and it will become easier every time.
How my brain grew? There is a lot of ways my brain grew but one situation that I learned new was when i was trying to learn how to play soccer. I kept on looking at other soccer players how they play and how they moved the ball but every time I tried doing what they were doing I found it very difficult to do, so I tried another method.
So after watching soccer players play didn't work out I decided to watch videos on how these soccer players were doing everything and all the strategies I needed to know how to play, but unfortunately I still kept on having problems on how to play soccer. …show more content…

It was not so easy because there was a lot of things you needed to know before going out on the field. For example the right gear you needed, how to control the ball, rules, plays and other important factors. There was a lot of information for my brain to take in at a young age but i just kept on looking at all of these interesting things on soccer.I used these two strategies because to me they were the most useful from the time I was trying to

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