Personal Experience with a Program Called CAS

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Creativity, Action and Service; these three elements sum up the CAS program that has enabled me to develop new life skills, work collaboratively with others and experience new activities. Through all various CAS activities, I have become an active risk taker and thinker by taking risks in undertaking new challenges; I have also become a reflective inquirer and a communicator by initiating new activities and collaborating with others to get the task done. Furthermore, this CAS program has given me an opportunity to engage myself with issues that hold local and global importance and has made me aware of the ethical implication of all my activities and projects that I did through CAS. These activities has also helped me in becoming an open-minded, caring and principled individual. All together, CAS has made me into a well knowledgeable citizen who is aware of his strength and the areas for growth.

When we were first introduced to the CAS requirements for IB programme, I knew I was not ready for all the work and community services it required. Like everyone else, I freaked out about th...

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