Explain Why I Want To Be An Alpha Man Essay

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As we matriculate through life, we all have decisions that must be thought out and choices that need to be made. The decision of who we ultimately wish to become; the choice of whether you personally are going to make a change for the better or fall by the waste side as life continues to move. For some the choice was easy, for others, the decision was a bit more daunting. I have made my choice. My choice was more of a desire, I desire to be an Alpha Man. I desire this because this is an organization that has stood the test of time, and continues to be an image of change. I desire to be a part of this Organization because of the brotherly relationship it builds between men, its’ dedication to bettering our communities, as well as how mutually beneficial as far as growth. Brotherhood is more than blood and kinship; it is a connection with a person or a group of people built on love, trust, and respect; that you know is unbreakable. Alpha Phi Alpha has built its core principals around that one word. While that “one word” is one of the major reasons for their continued success throughout time. When you believe in something that is bigger than yourself, you can create change in the areas around your life. As a result, when you surround yourself with people that …show more content…

The development of myself as an individual, as well as how I can contribute to the growth of the organization. Helping me be able to accomplish my goals as far as my city and my family goes. Every change and connection I make will only uplift and promote what the organization stands for as a whole. Every positive action, influence, and change that happens as a result will develop both; to create a more dynamic full effect for the people we affect. Changing the lives of the individual that are active in that community is the ultimate

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