Pearl Harbor Dbq Essay

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The Battle of Pearl Harbor was one of the most atrocious events that happened in U.S. history. On December 7, 1941, Japan made a surprise aerial attack on the United States naval base and airfields at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. More than two thousand Americans died and a thousand two hundred were wounded. Eighteen ships were badly damaged, including five battleships. The next day, President Franklin Roosevelt with the support of the Congress, declared war on Japan. It led United States’ official involvement in World War II. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor because of a deteriorating relationship with the U. S. The “New World Order”, expansion and resources, and economic sanctions were factors that conducted to another disaster on the Second World War. One reason Japan assaulted U.S.A. Navy was because the "New World Order.” “The ideals of Japan... are represented by the principle that the benevolent rule of the Emperor may be extended so as to embrace the whole world."(Doc. A) The beliefs Japanese grew up with were that the Emperor was sublime and his empire should be followed everywhere nerveless by everyone. They were trained to be dedicated; willing to do anything to please their superior. “An old order... (European and American)... is now crumbling.”(Doc. A) Great Britain, Japan announced its new policy and invaded Manchuria and Japan. The U.S. was concerned about Japan’s behavior but did not take war actions so they stopped trading with them. President Franklin moved U.S. Navy from California to Pearl Harbor with the Congress agreement. The United States became a major threat to Japan. Many people believe the Japanese were successful in their attack. But, the result of the attack did not enable Japan to expand in the Pacific. It did not result in the acquisition of more natural resources. And, the restrictions were not lifted as a result of the

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