Dbq Pearl Harbor

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When President Roosevelt decided to move the US Pacific Fleet from California to Pearl Harbor in 1939, Japan had found it to be a threat to them, because Japan wanted to expand the Pacific, of the Pearl Harbor and Military leaders. Due to Pearl Harbor, Japan had attempted to knock the US pacific out in one strike; in return, the Japanese forces would expand the Japanese sphere of the pacific. "President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's 1939 decision to move the United States Pacific Fleet from California to Pearl Harbor ultimately contested Japan's influence in the Pacific, thereby sparking the Japanese decision to provoke a war and attack America at Pearl Harbor."
Thinking about what happen with the attack on Pearl Harbor …show more content…

The Pearl Harbor attacked, destroyed the U.S. Pacific fleet and with the aim of keeping the United States out of the war. The surprise bombing of the American naval harbor of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 by the Japanese navy had many consequences, including its role in precipitating the United States' entrance into World War II. However, in legal circles, the most important results of the attack on Pearl Harbor were the justifications that the event provided for forcing Japanese and Japanese-American citizens living in the United States to be confined to so-called "relocation camps" for the duration of the war. The results of the attack on Pearl Harbor and its impact on Japanese-American citizens began when President Franklin Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066 in February of 1942. This order directed the Secretary of War to declare certain areas of the country to be off limits to people of any or all ethnicities for the purposes of greater national security, specifically from preventing spies to conduct espionage. Subsequently, areas with large Japanese and Korean populations declared “military zones," requiring that these citizens be transferred to "relocation camps" for the remainder of the

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