Parenting Styles In Childhood

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Every family is unique in dynamic and nature. Parenting styles within families vary depending on circumstance and principal. What defines parenting styles is the approach that parents take on raising their children and the psychological and social effects it has on their child’s development. These parenting techniques influence the child’s lifestyle and beliefs throughout their life and have lasting effects on the child’s adulthood. In the research article Child self-esteem and different parenting styles of mother’s: cross-sectional study discusses that “Parenting style refers to the practices adopted by parents during their children’s growth and socialization stages and how the children are controlled.” Developmental psychologist Diana Baumrind …show more content…

This type of parenting is very warm and accepting, but lacks structure and control. These parents do not have many rules and let their kids get away with anything. There are two extremes as to why parents act this way. One way is that parents are seen to try to be more of a friend to their kids than a parent because they are out of touch with their child’s generation. Another excuse for permissive parenting is when parents claim they do not have time to exert control over their children because of external factors such as work. Kids that come from these backgrounds can be seen as impulsive, dependent, disobedient and rebellious. These children from permissive households seem to do poorer in school and have trouble with social skills as well. An example of permissive parenting is seen in the movie “Mean Girls” When the mom tries to be friends with all of her daughter’s friends. The mom in the movie is more concerned with being a part of the gossip than actually trying to parent her child properly. The mom gets her daughter everything she wants and has no rules or regulations. These lead to her daughter’s awful and mean behavior in the movie because her mother never taught that the world did not revolve around her and acting out was not acceptable in society. In my experience, I have known some families that act similarly to the mom in mean girls. I went to a …show more content…

The difference that authoritative parenting has over every other parenting style is that it has both responsiveness and structure. Parents that typically show this type of parenting act as teacher or counselors guiding their children on the right path. They are warm and approachable but still enforce structure and have high expectations for their children. These parents give their children opportunities to earn freedoms and are more trust based. These parents are typically involved in their children’s lives, but not overly involved because they know there is a difference between parent and child. Children that grow up in the authoritative parenting lifestyle are more successful in school, have a higher self-esteem, good social skills and overall researchers have found these kids to be happier and more productive than in any other product from parenting styles. These families are supportive and loving. I feel that my family is a good example of authoritative parenting because they always pushed me to perform my best in my grades and soccer and that got me at a wonderful school playing on a soccer scholarship. My parents allowed me freedom by earning their trust. They have guided and molded me into the person I am today by being loving, nurturing and pushing me to be my best so I can have a life different from theirs and

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