My Parenting Philosophy: Sources of Parenting Information

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Previously, I had gained some of my knowledge of parenting strategies and styles from family and other classes I have taken in the family and child studies department. Over the course of this semester, I have been introduced to even more parenting strategies, theories, and discipline strategies that I believe would be effective in parenting. Reading the textbook, and the in class discussions have given me a deeper insight to what the ideas and the positive outcomes are using strategies that have been backed up by research.

On one end of the spectrum, I know people that have used none of the techniques of which we have learned about and then on the other end of the spectrum, I know people that have parented using some of the concepts that we have learned about this semester. I believe that a combination of the two would be the perfect balance for raising a child.

Style of Parenting

Over the last few years, I have learned about the 4 different styles of parenting. The Authoritative style is the one that has stuck with me over the years. It is the style that my parents raised my siblings and I with. According to Steinberg, “Authoritative parenting is the reasonable balance of three key aspects of parents’ behavior toward their children- nurturance, discipline, and respect” (as cited in Heath, 2013, p. 29). In addition to the information that I had previously learned about this style of parenting, I have learned that it contributes to success in school and later on in life. One article that I came across reviewed multiple studies that were done on the correlation of parenting styles and academic achievement. They concluded from all of the studies that had previously been preformed that authoritative parents were more lik...

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