Pacific war

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In the early 40’s many countries were engaged in World War 2 but America remained indecisive on entering the war. American remained out of the war until an unexpected attack on Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941. The President at the time Franklin D. Roosevelt declared war on Japan one day after Pearl Harbor. Germany and Italy Japans allies declared war on the U.S. 3 day’s later (Pearl Harbor). Pearl Harbor was the start to a deadly war between America and Japan that cost millions of lives. At 10:04 in the morning Japan started to bomb Pearl Harbor with its first wave of Japanese fighter, bomber and torpedo planes. The first wave of planes contained more firepower than the second wave to sink the larger ships of the U.S. that were anchored in Pearl Harbor. Also the first wave had the advantage of attacking by surprise but the second wave did not and had more difficulty. When the attack was over there was heavy damage done to Pearl Harbor. 200 American planes were destroyed, 8 large U.S. ships were sunk along with 12 normally sized ships also 2,000 American soldiers Abbate 2 were killed, 1,000 were injured. The massacre at Pearl Harbor ended after 2 hours of nonstop bombing by the Japanese and forced the United States to join World War 2 (“Pearl Harbor”). While there were several battles in the pacific war the battle of Saipan June 1944 was a major battle of the war. This battle was important because the island of Saipan was a big step to get closer to Japans mainland. Since the battle happened of the coast of Saipan the battle became the largest aircraft carrier battle of the pacific war. The battle ended July 9th in a victory for America. 30,000 Japanese soldiers were killed, 3 aircraft carriers sunk and 300 planes were destroyed... ... middle of paper ... ...Nagasaki and killed 42,000 people. The Abbate 4 bomb was equivalent to 40 million pounds of TNT and 10 times the brightness of the sun at 10 million degrees(“The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki”). The pacific war lasted 4 years of nonstop bloodshed starting December 7, 1941 and ending September 2, 1945. One lesson that can be learned from the pacific war is that there are many consequences from dropping a uranium bomb. World leaders today remember the destruction and what nuclear radiation in the air will do to people and the environment so people will think about dropping nuclear bombs. Millions of American soldiers lost their lives in the pacific war to protect America. Even though it is wrong to drop a nuclear bomb it saved approximately 1 million of American soldiers lives and it set an example for the rest of the world.

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