Os Guiness Call

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Book Report: The Call by Os Guinness For this book report, I chose to write about “The Call” by Os Guiness. I had never read, or even heard of this book, or even the author before becoming a student at DBU. However, I am overjoyed that I was introduced to the work of Os Guinness. I opened this book and read it 100%, cover to cover; I even listened to a presentation given by Guinness on The Call. In “The Call” Os Guinness tackles the idea of calling in the church; what it is, what it means for us, how to overcome the modern-day view of calling and how to live out our call to Jesus Christ as believers. In chapter one, Guinness sets the stage for his entire book by noting that whatever we are seeking for pleasure will never be fulfilling unless God reveals Himself in it, unless he makes Himself known. “Answering …show more content…

Guinness point out that every believer has received a primary and secondary calling. The “primary calling as followers of Christ” (Pg.31), is one that is from God, to God, and for God. This primary call is not a calling to a specific thing such as “motherhood, politics or teaching”, or a specific place, such as New York, but instead is a direct call to God. Guinness expounds upon the secondary calling explaining that “Our secondary calling, considering who God is as sovereign, is that everyone, everywhere, and in everything should think, speak, live and act entirely for Him.” (Pg. 31) Guinness addresses the distortion that has taken place in the church that just because we become Christians, love to read Scripture and teach, that we are automatically called to be vocational ministers. Every idea that Guinness brings forth in “The Call” is thoroughly explained. The author is successful in presenting and proving the ideas that he presents. Guinness accomplishes his purpose in explaining what true calling is, and what it means for

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