Optimism In The Life Of Anne Frank

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Born on June 12, 1929, in Germany, Anne Frank was famous for her diary that she kept while in hiding during the Holocaust in World War II. Thirteen year ‘old Anne, her family and another family hid for over two years in the annex of the building where her father had worked. The staircase leading to this secret annex was hidden by a bookcase. The families remained hidden with little food and natural light. They had to remain quiet during the day and could only move around at night, after the workers had left the building. Two friends kept them informed of the world outside and brought them food and small luxuries when possible. Despite her terrible situation, Anne continued to portray many positive characteristics. Anne was a very religious …show more content…

In Act 1 Scene 3, Anne shows her view of her future by stating, “I’m going to be a famous dancer or singer...or something wonderful.” She is still able to see a bright future, even though she is aware of the dangerous events that are happening outside the annex. Anne and Peter become friends over time and have each other to talk to. In Act 2 Scene 1, she says that “It helps a lot to have someone to talk to don’t you think? It helps you to let off steam.” Anne is able to use Peter as a way to stay positive. Another way that Anne stayed optimistic, was in her writing. Her diary allows her to share her thoughts, feelings, and fears. In Act 2 Scene 3, she states, “I have often been downcast myself...but never in despair. I can shake off everything if I write.” Anne’s optimism keeps her from seeing the ugly world as it was. In Act 2 Scene 1, Miep was visiting and told the reader that she is going to a party. Rather than feel jealous or angry about being stuck inside, Anne says, ”How heavenly! Remember now what everyone is wearing and what you have to eat and everything, so you can tell us tomorrow.” This was probably the most important characteristic to

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