Ocean Pollution Essay With Outline

1016 Words3 Pages

Name: Katherine 09
My Name: Cary
Class: 132
9 June 2015
Research Project
General Topic: The environment pollution
Restricted: The pollution of our ocean
More Restricted: Different sources of ocean pollution and some measures
Topic Chosen: Environment is the precious wealth that nature given us. The problem of marine environmental protection has become one of the hot spots in the world.It makes us consider how to effectively control marine pollution.

I.The problem of environment
a)Environment is the precious wealth that nature given us
i.Everyone’s responsibility to protect the environment.
b)Marine environmental issues
i.Why happen it ii.Ocean is an important part …show more content…

There are different sources of ocean pollution, and much of it results from activities that take place on land. For example, oil is one of the major sources of ocean pollution. And some of the pollution comes from waste from cities and factories which travels to the ocean through rivers and drains. There are three different sources of ocean pollution as follows.
Fertilizers are one of the serious sources. Fertilizers runoff from farms and lawns is a huge problem for coastal areas.It wash off farms and lawn and eventually end up in the ocean. One in the ocean, they allow algae to grow. The overgrowth of algae depletes the ocean of oxygen and suffocates other marine plants, resulting in dead areas. Garbage is another type of pollution in our oceans, and it can seriously harm marine animals. One of the worst culprits is plastic. Plastic garbage,which decomposes very slowly,is often mistaken for food by marine animals. Plastic bags can block an animal’s breathing passage. Toxic chemicals also cause serious pollution problems. Run-off from manufacturing and disposal sites as well as accidental leaks continues to pollute our oceans with toxic chemicals. These chemicals accumulate in the animals that ingest them and move up the food chain. They eventually end up in the seafood that we eat. There are some mainly measures to prevent marine

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