An Examination of Water Pollution History

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Review of Literature
I. Introduction: Pollution History
There are many types of pollution. The main types of pollution are water, air, soil, thermal, radioactive, noise, and light. The topic for this experiment is Water Pollution. Water Pollution became a problem in the 1900’s when water started being treated like sewage. Earth Day was founded by United States Senator Gaylord Nelson on April 22, 1970 because of 1900’s pollution. Water Pollution also affects humans and animals. There was a Cholera outbreak in 1854, before water pollution became a problem, and a Typhoid outbreak in New York from 1900 to 1915. There are multiple possible causes to Water Pollution. Humans let out chemicals into the environment, and when some of those chemicals …show more content…

Transportation is a big issue with pollution. Vehicles create smog, catalysts for ozone, and components for acid rain. Smog contains a chemical called ozone. Ozone can seriously affect a human’s health. It reacts with the molecules in the lining of our airways. This then causes inflammation. Acid rain has many ecological effects, but none is as bad as its impact on lakes, streams, wetlands and other bodies of water. Acid rain makes waters acidic, which causes them to absorb the aluminium that goes from soil into water. When bodies of water become more acidic, the numbers and species of fish and other organisms living in the water begin to decrease. There are many examples of water pollution. Raw sewage running into water, industrial waste spills, and exhaust fumes from vehicles. A big problem with raw sewage is that Bacteria use up oxygen in the water, as they decompose the organic material in the water. The lack of oxygen kills animals and other organisms that live in the water. Many harmful chemicals are in industrial waste. These can become drinking water pollutants if not well managed. Car exhaust creates a wide range of gases and solid matter. This causes global warming, acid rain, and it harms the environment and human health. Engine noise and oil spills also cause pollution. Since most oils float, the marine creatures most affected by oil spills are animals like sea otters, and seabirds that are found on the shore or in …show more content…

Different pollutants cause different things to happen to plants. Sometimes, water pollution causes an explosion of new plant growth by providing necessary nutrients and food. If there is too much of one species, this can harm or kill plants by changing their growing conditions, such as raising or lowering the environment’s acidity. Plants must take in nutrients from the surrounding environment in order to grow. Nitrogen and phosphorus, in particular, help a plant’s growth because they are important in photosynthesis. This is why they are common ingredients in plant fertilizers. When runoff from farms pollute waterways with nitrogen and fertilizers rich with phosphorus, the water enriched with nutrients often have stunts of growth. Sometimes too much growth can be harmful, as when plant-like algae bloom in polluted waters and create oxygen-depleted dead zones. One solution to this issue is planting seaweed farms in areas that get alot of runoff from farms. This is because seaweed can soak up the excess nutrients and be harvested for people to eat. Marine debris is garbage that ends up in the ocean. Plastic debris that builds up at or near the water’s surface blocks sunlight from fully reaching plants that rely on sunlight to move along the photosynthesis process. By blocking sunlight, marine debris prevent plants from creating glucose at full capacity, which stunts their growth. When chemical pollutants

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