Nutrition And Eating Habits

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Food is the fuel of human body. The body has ability to separate the complex food to simple food to get every single ingredients out of it and add it to its blood circulation system. Then it convert that to energy which is fuel for the body. The body requires six kind of nutrients; water, carbohydrate, fat, proteins, vitamins and minerals. Energy yielding nutrients which is nutrients the body use for energy is carbohydrate, fat and protein. Carbohydrate contribute 4 Cal/g, fat 9 Cal/g and protein 4 Cal/g. Alcohol contribute 7 Cal/g as well but alcohol is not a nutrient it is a toxin. There is different amount of recommendation for each nutrients as well as each vitamins and minerals depends on age, gender and health status adjusted by committee …show more content…

My selected group has 31 % of female and 69 % of male. 44% of between 20-29 years old, 25% of between 30 -39 and 31% of 40 – 49. From this group 6% of graduated from elementary school, 31% from High school, 44% has college degree and 19% has graduate degree. 81 % of people is full time employee and the rest is always working multiple jobs. The survey shows that 50% of people eat three meals in a day. 19% of people eating less than 3 meals and 31% of them eat more than 3 meals in a day. 63 % of them prefer to eat mostly meat products which is protein. 75 % of people prefer to eat homemade food. 38 % of them always cook their meal at home and 19 % of them never cook at home, the rest 43 % are cooking once or twice a week at home. 81 % of this group prefer to prepare their meal by grilling, which is healthy and 6 % of prefer to frying. 44% of them spend 30 minutes to eat their meal, 56 % of them spend less than 15 minutes. Daily junk food consuming part is only 6 % of them don’t eat junk food. The rest eat once or twice a day which is unhealthy. 69% of them said nutrition is important for them and 75 % of them knows about nutrition fact however they said that they don’t look at it. 12% of people said that food safe and handling is not important even though all of the individual from selected group …show more content…

Also called hypersensitivity by researchers. The immune system of an allergic person reacts to the foreign molecules as it does to any other antigen. In some people, the result is the life- threatening food allergy reaction of anaphylactic shock. Peanuts, tree nuts, milk, eggs, wheat, soybeans, fish, and shellfish are the most likely to trigger this extreme reaction, with peanuts, milk, eggs, and soy the most prevalent in children. Epinephrine must be carry by the person who is suffering from anaphylactic shock cause of food allergies (Whitney,

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