Nt1310 Unit 2 Assignment

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Unit 2 Assignment
Recommended dietary allowances (RDAs) are a set of guidelines that apply to specific vitamins and minerals that are in the foods and supplements that are consumed on a daily basis. The guidelines of RDAs are to help one stay on top of how much of each nutrient their body needs on a daily basis. Sometimes meeting all of our recommended dietary allowances on a daily basis can be difficult, but it is best to try and meet the personal dietary allowances that are set for us individually so that our body has what it needs to function and operate properly.
After doing my own personal food log for the week I obtained my results and compared them to what is stated as my personal RDAs. I am on a specific eating plan ordered by my physician …show more content…

The RDAs of calories for me is 1000 and RDA of protein is 51 grams. The averages I obtained on a daily basis were 701 total calories and 51 grams of protein throughout the week. My doctors’ orders for me are to consume at least 950 calories a day and a minimum of 80 grams of protein a day. The analysis shows that the amounts I obtained are well under what I need to be consuming to sustain my body in a healthy way.
There are several different ways that I can increase my overall caloric intake as well as up my protein intake. I can add an additional snack or two within my diet that has some protein rich food such as eggs, Greek yogurt, more chicken or fish, beans, and some additional milk products. I think in doing this I will get the extra calories and the needed protein that I am deficient in at this time.
Macronutrients and micronutrients are both very important for the human body. Macronutrients are the nutrients that the body needs in larger amounts, while micronutrients are not required in large amounts but a steady supply is necessary for proper functioning in the body system. Macronutrients give energy to our bodies that we need to grow properly and metabolize our food as well as function in other ways. Macronutrients consist of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Micronutrients are the different types of vitamins and minerals needed by the

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