Non Traditional Students
According to current estimates approximately 75 percent of college students are now nontraditional students – older than 25, attending school part time, and having delayed entry or reentry into college for a variety of personal reasons. Post secondary education is needed by such students to develop their careers and to acquire new skills and knowledge in a global society where they are likely to have longer life spans than did workers in the past. This trend is not restricted to North America; it is a worldwide phenomenon.
Over the years, these nontraditionals have chosen either slower or faster options to proceed through their chosen curricula. They could work incrementally, taking a few courses per year while taking advantage of workplace tuition reimbursement programs or similar specialized programs to fund their college education. Recently, online education has allowed accelerated progress toward earning degrees. Traditional institutions developed these formats to serve working adults, and the emergence of nontraditional institutions such as the University of Phoenix delivered accelerated education in a variety of flexible formats such as asynchronous learning.
Programs catering to nontraditional students date from the early 1970s. The University of Massachusetts was a pioneer in such efforts when it began University Without Walls in 1971. UWW is an academic major whose purpose was to help nontraditionals earn a degree from a respected university. Students design their own program of study and may take online, blended or on campus classes that fit into students’ busy lives and complicated schedules. In addition, students may earn up to 30 credits for learning garnered through work and life experienc...
... middle of paper ... applicants with college level study or to reduce anxiety about reentry after an interruption. Some of these are linked to resources to refresh college study skills.
Critics contend that the influx of nontraditionals into the college student market has accelerated a trend toward the “massification” of collegiate education – that is, that it has led to a watered down pedagogy that is far below the goals and expectation of the elite colleges. Nonetheless, the improvements in education oriented toward accommodation of the nontraditional student have had the practical effect of making college more affordable and accessible to all classes of people.
Brookfield, Stephen. 1986.
Wlodkowshi, Raymond and Carol E. Kasworm (Eds.). 2003. Accelerated Learning for Adults:
The Promise and Practice of Intensive Educational Formats. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
In a society where a collegiate degree is almost necessary to make a successful living, the idea that a student cares less about the education and more about the “college experience” can seem baffling. In My Freshman Year: What a Professor Learned by Becoming a Student, Rebekah Nathan, the author’s pseudonym, tackles the idea that academics are less impactful on a student then the culture of college life. Nathan, a 50-year-old cultural anthropologist and university professor, went undercover as a college freshman for a research project. From her research, she hoped to better understand the undergraduate experience by fully immersing herself in college life. To do this, she anonymously applied to “AnyU,” a fake acronym for a real university,
Going through college should not be as easy as going through a drive-thru at a fast food restaurant. Young adults should be interactive and critically thinking throughout their education, not disinterested of it. Author Simon Benlow, in his essay “Have It Your Way: Consumerism Invades Education,” believes that students are turning to consumerist ways, not thanks to the college’s culture (139). Since my return to community college, there has been a trend with the younger adults: Not caring.
How imperative is it that one pursues a traditional college experience? Although it might appear that Charles Murray and Liz Addison are in agreement that the traditional college experience is not necessary for everyone, Addison provides a more convincing argument that higher education is necessary in some form. This is seen through Addison’s arguments that college is essential to growing up, that education is proportional to the life one lives, and that community college reinvents the traditional college experience. Not only does Addison have her own opinions about college, but Murray does as well.
Over the past few years, people have begun to see going to college as a way to achieve the American Dream through career-readiness. People used to go to college, hoping to get a better well-rounded education. For most the well-rounded education, it usually came with the courses required for a liberal arts education. The courses would provide a level of analytical and in-depth understanding that would prepare the students for both life and whichever career path chosen. No matter the amount of money paid, parents would be willing to gi...
As the economy evolves and the job market continues to get more competitive, it’s becoming harder to have a successful career without some kind of college degree. This creates a belief in many young students that college actually is a commodity, something they must have in order to have a good life. There’s many different factors that influence this mindset, high schools must push the importance of the student’s willingness and drive to further their education. College isn’t just a gateway to jobs, but it is an opportunity to increase knowledge and stretch and challenge the student which in return makes them a more rounded adult and provides them with skills they might lack prior to
The right and privilege to higher education in today’s society teeters like the scales of justice. In reading Andrew Delbanco’s, “College: What It Was, Is, and Should Be, it is apparent that Delbanco believes that the main role of college is to accommodate that needs of all students in providing opportunities to discover individual passions and dreams while furthering and enhancing the economic strength of the nation. Additionally, Delbanco also views college as more than just a time to prepare for a job in the future but a way in which students and young adults can prepare for their future lives so they are meaningful and purposeful. Even more important is the role that college will play in helping and guiding students to learn how to accept alternate point of views and the importance that differing views play in a democratic society. With that said, the issue is not the importance that higher education plays in society, but exactly who should pay the costly price tag of higher education is a raging debate in all social classes, cultures, socioeconomic groups and races.
A high school diploma is not enough to pursue most careers in a difficult economy and job market. Without a college education there are fewer chances for career advancement or high earning potential.This is enough for anyone to rethink a college education. Nontraditional undergraduate students include a large portion of college enrollments. Between 2000 and 2013, enrollment rates for twenty five to twenty nine year olds increased from eleven to thirteen percent and thirty to thirty four year old students stayed steady at a seven percent increase. “The Condition of Education” 2015 Being slightly I tell myself regardless of what my children think I am not too ancient to attend college or start on a new
In their book Paying for the Party, Armstrong and Hamilton discuss how universities take class differences and class projects of distinct women to define what will be their college experience. In their book, Armstrong and Hamilton define class projects as individual and class characteristics that defines a person’s agenda and class- based orientation. Hence, people with similar class projects, not only shared the same financial and cultural resources, but also the same expectations toward school. (Armstrong & Hamilton, 2013). As a result, Armstrong and Hamilton claims that students with similar class projects end up becoming a collective constituency and a representative group for the university, whom in turn must take their interests to form a college pathway for them. Therefore, a college pathway for Armstrong and Hamilton refers to how universities are able to take successfully the interests, class characteristics and expectations of students to mold within the organizational and architecture context of the school. In a way, each college pathway is built not only to represent, but also to provision and guide the different types of students in a college.
English 50 The Challenge of Getting a College Education Whether someone is returning to college or has just completed high school, there are many factors to consider. What is the goal? Is it a vocation or a technology? Perhaps a degree, there is an Associates of Art or an Associates of Science, or a Bachelor’s of Arts or Science. Or even a Doctorate.
“By 2020,” President Barak Obama issues, “America will once again have the highest proportion of college graduates in the world” (Kelly and Schneider 1). A graduating college is always questionable at least once while attending college. Students consider A decision should be made by his or her own belief, and it never should be regrettable. Most of people desire themselves to be distinct from normal and desire to be high-educated. Students in America likewise pursue higher education in order to succeed in reality. A college degree is the gateway of successes even the government is setting an ambitious goal to support students. Students should graduate college to get a degree; it is worth of reaching out in their lifetimes.
Students go to college in search of knowledge, a new lifestyle, and the hope of a job after graduation. For many young adults, college is a rite of passage into an independent, mature new lifestyle. Not only is higher education a rite of passage, for some, it is also an opportunity to have a better life. Overall, college is a wonderful part of many people’s lives, yet the way the college education system is conducted wastes students time and money. College is basically composed of two parts: general education classes and major specific classes. General education courses are the source of wasted time and money, and should not be required of students. A few of the problems associated with general education classes are that they are basically a repeat of high school, unfortunately they can be the demise of students, they are costly, and they waste time.
In Caroline Bird’s “College is A Waste of Time and Money”, it’s argued that there are many college students who would be better off if they were to begin working after high school graduation. Colleges and universities can no longer ensure that one will go on to get a better job, getting paid more than they would have without a higher education. However, high school seniors still stress about where they will be attending college, how they’re going to pay for it and what they’re going to study for the next four years. Bird points out how college has changed over the past few decades and how, in turn, it has set many young adults up for disappointment, if nothing else.
You have just graduated from high school and passed the Standard Academic Test. Your application to college has been accepted and it’s your first day at class. It is most likely you will encounter three types of college students on your campus. The three types of college students are usually called the jocks, the nerds, and the normal people. The reason for this essay is to clear up some concepts regarding the three types of college students.
Society is feeling the impact of the shift in educational options. However, while there are more opportunities for students, there is another door open for inequality to take place. As technology advances, a social phenomenon is beginning to change the way Americans obtain college degrees. Approximately 3.2 million students were enrolled in at least one completely online class in the fall semester of 2005 (Clark-Ibanez & Scott, 2008). The effects of technological advances within the educational setting are having an impact on the way in which students are learning, leaving some students with limited options.
When students are deciding on where to go to college, they have the option of choosing between online classes and the traditional classroom classes. Today, some students are finding it much easier to maintain a job, family and start a college career, all by taking online classes. Although some students still prefer to stick with the traditional classroom classes, they still have the option to take online classes. Both online and the traditional classes will provide the educational requirements needed to obtain a college degree and opportunities in the work field. Although the online classes offer just as much as the traditional classes, they are completely different when it comes to teaching methods, course material and time.