No Red Ink Reflection

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This semester wasn't as horrible as I predicted it would. The whole idea of having a class on writing abilities seemed like an insane idea because I never thought I could actually write a paper that would be filled with the correct grammar and punctuation. I am grateful for this class because it taught me exactly how to write correctly. This class helped me to improve greatly on punctuation. I always used to struggle with punctuation, but recently I have succeeded well.

This class has not been as challenging as I thought it would be. At first, I thought I couldn’t do it because there were so many papers, but after some time, I became adjusted to the fast pace. Once I was in the habit of turning a paper in every week, it started becoming straightforward. Plus, every paper that I have written has helped me to improve my punctuation and grammar. In the end, having to write a paper once a week wasn't as dreadful as I thought it would be. …show more content…

No Red Ink helped because it had multiple different types of quizzes for us to practice. These multiple inconsistent quizzes were filled with a type of sentence that we had to figure out what was inaccurate about it. These little quizzes helped me to form higher quality sentences when I am writing papers. No Red Ink is an excellent website that helps students excel in their writing abilities.

Overall, this class wasn't as horrendous as it seemed it would be. The class wasn't terribly hard. If you accomplished all of your work when it was due, then it was actually quite simple. I think what helped me the most was the fact that we were allowed to redo our papers and fix our mistakes to bump up our score. It was nice to be given that opportunity to earn a higher grade if we wanted to do

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