Nike: The Greek God Poseidon's Trident

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There are a number of popular companies whose brand name and product lineup are interesting marketing strategies based off of elements of mythology. For example, Pandora Jewelry, is an international retailer which sells beautiful “gifts” in the form of jewelry. The brand name “Trident,” as in Trident Gum, may possibly be inspired by the Greek god Poseidon’s trident. Interestingly enough, the Greek word “trident” refers to a three-pronged or “three-toothed” instrument. There is also Gillette Venus, a popular women’s razor brand. Venus was the Greek goddess of beauty, and shaving has long been a part of women’s beauty routines. Though, one of the most successful examples is Nike, an American multinational corporation which has steadily dominated …show more content…

As a company whose brand name and concept are inspired by Greek mythology, Nike, Inc. has successfully capitalized on their goal to inspire athletic excellence, promote athleticism, and provide innovative products for their consumers.
The Nike corporation aspires to athletic excellence for the consumers who purchase their products. Non-coincidentally, “Nike,” was the name of the Greek goddess of “speed, strength, and victory” (“Nike-Facts and Information on the Goddess Nike”). Even Nike Inc.’s logo, the “swoosh”, is inspired by her large wings. The goddess is the daughter of Pallas the Titan and the Oceanid, Styx. She is most known for serving as the charioteer of Zeus during his battle for his father’s throne—and control of Mount Olympus—in the War of Titanomachy. After his success, Nike was subsequently rewarded residence on Mount Olympus and protection by Zeus (“The Goddess Nike in Greek Mythology”). She is often depicted next to Zeus (or Athena) in Grecian artwork. In Greek religion, Nike is regarded as having the ability to grant humans the almost-superhuman speed and strength that is required in fierce competition or battle. In a comparable manner, Nike, Inc. markets their products as being conducive to better athletic …show more content…

also places significance on promoting athleticism to their consumers. Though the goddess Nike’s service to Zeus in war(s) was her greatest service, “her functions not only referred to success in war, but in all other undertakings,” and she was “recognized as a…mediator of success between gods and men” (Editors, Britannica). Nike, Inc. emphasizes a similar dynamic between the professional athletes they promote/endorse and everyday people. Nike, Inc. states that their mission is to “bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world,” furthermore stating that “if you have a body, you are an athlete” (“Read Nike's Mission Statement and Find Information about NIKE, Inc. Innovation, Sustainability, Community Impact and More”). The company strategically promotes themselves as a brand that is for everyone: men, women, and children. Even with their simple tagline “Just Do It,” Nike has compelled consumers through an inspirational phrase that resonates with millions of people, apparently. Nike’s aspirational vision of athleticism for everyone ranging from the beginner athlete to the Olympic athlete is arguably the most important aspect of their marketing strategy. Consequently, Nike, Inc. sells approximately 900 million products each year (Taylor). Nike even ranks among the most favored brands of the millennial cohort

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