Neil's Plan Of Care Case Study Chapter 7

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Reaction 4 In chapter 7 Neil explains that he never question or thought of how his job should be. He assumed that he would treat the patients and the patients always followed his plan of care for them. This idea changed once he began to work with the Lee’s. Neil believed that the Lee’s not following his plan of care was child abuse. If Neil had not reported the Lee’s there is a possibility his license could be on the line, based off US law. Lia had been in and out of foster homes. Finally she was placed with Dee Kordas. Lia had a hard time adjusting to her new life. Dee saw the way Lia had been treated by the medical staff and felt it was disrespectful. Lia’s seizures were progressively getting worse. Her parents were seen by the courts not …show more content…

There is wealthy families who are caregivers for a parent, and refuse to rotate the patient because they don’t want to disturb the parent during their sleep. However this is completely against the nurse’s advice, because the patient is covered in bed sores. No one on the patients care team wants to call EPS. Even though the social workers believe they should. Then there is another patient, whose caregiver is taking care of them, at minimal level, but the patient is taken care of. This patients SES is much lower than the previous patient mentioned. There was instantly and EPS call on this patient. The social workers do not believe the call should have been made. Just because one caregiver is wealthy there is no EPS call, but the other patient who is poor had an EPS call made. If Lia’s parents would have been American parents or just different parents, would Neil have made the call? Or did Neil make the call just because of who her parents were? His co-workers believed he made the wrong call because she was in a nurturing family and well taken care of otherwise. Chapter 8 goes on to explain what you think you know about someone turns out to not be the real case. The author realized once going into the home, the parents were not the people the medical staff

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