Case Study Deontology

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That determinant was an apparent lack of importance on outcome when applying deontology. This determinant shifted my perspective of the moral theory exercised because the outcome of the dilemma was the most crucial factor to the interviewee. The outcome of the dilemma was of utmost importance to the interviewee because it could have not only affected her friendship in a negative connotation but put her job at risk. The reason why one may think she utilized deontology at first glance is due to the fact she abided by the rules of respecting confidentiality between the son and the mother, as well as respecting the autonomy of the son. She respected the autonomy of the son by not taking away his choice of whether or not he wanted his mother to know personal information about him regarding the subjects of the class. …show more content…

According to the previous statement, she utilized care ethics to justify the decision she made because she took into …show more content…

However, if certain precautions were taken by her as a professional, the dilemma could have easily been avoided. In fact, when she became aware her friend’s son was enrolling in the class, she could have made it known to her friend she would not break the confidentiality between the three of them and the dilemma may not have occurred. Additionally, the confidentiality form stated no information would be given out unless “it was a drastic situation.” But there are many interpretations of a drastic situation depending on one’s morals and values. For example, the mother of the son could consider her son being sexually active as something drastic, where as the interviewee may not and

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