Melissa Rowland's Case Summary

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When becoming pregnant, one must obtain and practice the skills it takes to become a healthy mother. Yet, in some cases, some women fall short of this due to substance abuse, disorders and/or other external factors. The case of Melissa Rowland is a rather compelling, yet prime example of procreative responsibility. With a record of; felony larceny, two counts of child endangerment and murder. Melissa Rowland was a single mother who had been impregnated four different times and suffered from an arrange of issues. She was diagnosed with oppositional defiant disorder, which can be classified as a behavioral disorder. As for Melissa, ODD affected her significantly, “physicians define ODD as a pattern of disobedient, hostile, and defiant behavior …show more content…

The moral status of her one living child was not taken into much consideration. With physicians and authorities jumping to conclusions, the time taken to respond to this case was perceived as relatively short. When it comes to moral status of a human being, one must consider whether someone qualifies for moral consideration. In this case, twin B’s moral status was not taken into consideration. The rights of pregnant women, is an everlasting controversy, “when physicians’ concerns about fetal well being are allowed to supersede both a woman’s judgment about what is best for her family and her right to safeguard her bodily integrity, then this is no principled limitation on state power to police pregnancy and punish pregnant women” (Minkoff, Paltrow, 2013). With that being said, the physicians in this case did not express concern for the fetal well-being, and even the well-being of twin B when she was born. The clear evidence that Melissa did not receive immediate treatment for her concerns should have been a red flag for the physicians from the beginning. In her case, it was clearly stated that the well-being of her other children was significantly poor. Also, that Melissa was unstable. Yet, Melissa received lieu of her imprisonment and was given her surviving child for the time being. Until, she failed to perform simple probation stipulations. Sadly, in my opinion, the surviving twin should have been taken from Melissa through child protective services at the time of birth. As physicians, and as supported, they were allowed to overlook the ability of Melissa’s parenting and do what is best for twin A, and Melissa. Which then, Melissa should have faced her punishment received by court orders. Now let me remind you, Melissa did not comply with her stipulations and her child was removed after the

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