Myers Briggs Type Indicator

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A person’s characteristic style of behaving, thinking, and feeling is what psychologist may call personality. In order to learn about someone’s personality you could ask that individual to describe themselves. This however may lead to a description that is not accurate and of what they want to be perceived as. Psychologist like with most subjects have developed measurement tools to assess personality.
Personality Inventories such as self-reports, are one of the general classes of personality tests. Referring to the course Psychology textbook, a self-report is a series of answers to a questionnaire that asks people to indicate the extent to which sets of statements or adjectives accurately describes their own behavior or mental state. There are different personality tests to identify one’s personality. The most popular today, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Personality Test and the Enneagram. In order to compare the two test, I took them both and analyzed the results. Initially going through the question I was defiantly …show more content…

Each statement had an ‘a’ option or ‘b’ option. For example, Are you more a. firm than gentle or b. gentle than firm. These questions were based around preference. The information asked- to me, concluded how I make decisions and understand information. The test characterized personality with four letters. The four are selected from a pair, E or I, S or N, T or F, and J or P. Each letter relates to your individual personality. For me the MBTI Test concluded that I was an ISTJ. The first pair Extravert and Introvert are where you derive your energy. The second pair Sensing and iNtuition are the decisions based on facts/figures or hunches. The third pair Thinking and Feeling are the decision based on thoughts or feelings. The last pair Judging and Perceiving are the personality type planners or results-oriented while perceivers are impromptu and flexible with

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