Eysenck Personality Test Essay

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Personality testing is an important tool that can be used to predict behaviour, which can lead to improving teaching methods for students, helping people with career/major choices, workplace dynamics and, to an extent, marriage compatibility. But how to test the efficacy of them? One way is to test whether they are accurate in describing people, and another way is to see if common, universal factors included in different assessments yield similar results. In this paper, we will only be focusing on one subject and two different assessments. For this comparison, the Eysenck Personality Test and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator tests were chosen. Both are said to measure naturally occurring differences between people, identified as “temperament” and “personality type”, respectively. The MBTI measures four factors, Extroversion/Introversion, Intuition/Sensing, Thinking/Feeling, and Judging/Perceiving, while Eysenck measures three: Extroversion, Neuroticism, and Pyschoticism. The tests seem to share two factors. Neuroticism, or emotionality, seems to be similar to Thinking/Feeling, and of course, …show more content…

He is known to have frequent outbursts at the slightest inconvenience. On almost every item that included the word “moody”, “frustrated” or “emotional” in the Eysenck test, however, he selected neither accurate or inaccurate. Then on the MBTI test, he answered Yes to questions like “Your actions are frequently influenced by emotions” and “You find it difficult to talk about your feelings”, but No to “You frequently and easily express your feelings and emotions”. It seems that to get a result geared more towards Feeling than Thinking, one has to answer in a way that suggests they let their feelings explicitly show, or they are aware that their feelings

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