My Writing Experience

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As my eleventh grade English teacher, Mr. Tuminaro once said, “Writing isn’t just something you do; rather, it’s a way of expressing ideas and emotions.” This statement has stuck with me ever since I graduated from high school. It has especially encouraged me to be more confident in what I write. My teacher made reading and writing enjoyable. I got to express more of myself through writing in his class. Before, I would think that adding any personal stories or experiences would make my writing flimsy. However, my teacher encouraged me to write some personal stories and experiences, because this makes writing much more interesting.
Reading and writing were my least favorite things to do, whether it was for my enjoyment or as homework. I never fully read a book before eleventh grade. I knew that one …show more content…

I remember going to Mr. Tuminaro’s class and thinking “here we go again to a boring English class” as we all took our seats. But, as soon as he stepped in the class I had a feeling that he was the type of teacher that took his work seriously and would definitely have an impact on me. I remember him saying that we were going to have to read two or three books for the class and we would have to write a paper on each of the books we read. I was already trying to mentally prepare myself to read more boring assigned books, but before I could do such a thing he said that we had the freedom of choosing any books from his cabinet. I know what you’re thinking, that choosing a book from his cabinet is not the same as having the freedom to choose a book of your own choice. But just imagine if students were given the freedom to choose a book of their own choice, then most people would just pick an easy book. Mr. Tuminaro wanted us to challenge ourselves, as that is the only way to get better at reading and writing. I still remember taking my first book of the year home. It was named The Kite Runner and soon became the first book in my reading history that I actually wanted

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