My Spiritual Walk

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So I don't really have a big defining moment of my life where everything changed and I gave up the drugs and drinking and turned toward God. I do have a moment where I turned to him but it isn't big and grand. Sometimes I wish this was different, sometimes I wish I had some big grand story. But then again, I have been immersed in God's life for all of mine and I can't complain about that.

I was born on a Thursday in January and as soon as I was able, about a week and a half later, I was in church. That is where my spiritual knowledge started. That goes a bit too far back though to make this a two page paper. My actual individual walk with Jesus started much later. As I said, I grew up in the church and I appreciate that fact. All of my life I had heard about Jesus and the commitment that should be made toward Him and I stalled. For thirteen years I stalled in that commitment. When I was twelve years old, a good friend of mine, who was my age and the first person my dad baptized at our new church, was shot and died instantly. This affected me deeply. I still had the idea that there was no chance I would be done with life soon. His death really brought me into the realization that my time to see Jesus could be anytime and almost to the year anniversary of his death I was baptized. My best friend had come to visit us for Easter and she stayed up and talked with me until very late at night and stayed near me until that Sunday at church. It was very encouraging to me having most of my loved ones there and my dad baptized me that Easter Sunday.

After that I played the "I'm baptized now, give me a break" card. I was still very involved in the youth group and my best friends were at church but I really just used it a...

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...e to be under the influence of some people who have helped me become the person in Christ that I am now and they have allowed me to grow into that. I appreciate so deeply those people. I think that if they would have pushed me there or pushed me too quickly I feel like there is definitely some things I would have missed, some things I wouldn't have understood. I have recently, within the last year, been searching to be in a new level with God and not allow myself to become to complacent in my spot. I don't want to be someone who gets to some ideal spot then just sits there. I truly hope that by the end of this semester even that there could be a new and different story to this walk in my life. I have been so honored in the ways that God has used me in the last 23 years and I hope that that never changes! All glory to HIM for my life and anyone else's who lives.

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