Personal Legend: The Alchemist

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The idea of a Personal Legend can mean different things to different individuals based on the life they have lived. For some, their legend may be to save a life, become a doctor, or even achieve happiness. It takes some people a longer time to find and achieve this legend, but I have been blessed to have realized my Personal Legend at a young age. My Personal Legend is to lead those who are lost to Christ and project God’s love with my helpfulness, advice-giving, and overall generosity as a person. The Alchemist somewhat reminded me of God’s power as my creator.
When I was 11 years old, I gave my life to Christ. My generous soul had been apparent to others at my Christian Academy, so me not being saved was a shock to many. As I stood with my …show more content…

“Um sure,” she says. Jessica and I had no idea that this interaction would lead to a five year, and counting, friendship. Not only would we become great friends, but we would argue, fight, and “end” our friendship numerous times. Every argument, fight, or end of our friendship would typically stem from a spazz of Jessica’s emotions. Everything would be going just fine, and all of a sudden I see a text saying “Why are we still friends?” or “Don't text me ever again.” or the most common “I don't want to be friends anymore.”As one could imagine, hearing these things over and over again would stab me deeply in the heart, but I never pushed Jessica away. Something in my soul told me to calm down and try to understand why Jessica was doing the things she was. That something was the Holy Spirit. So, I put two and two together: these splurges Jessica had were an opportunity for me to manifest my magnanimous personality through the love God had for me. I realized I had to show her the same level of forgiveness that I had always received from Christ. From that point forward, I was patient, kind, and understanding with Jessica. I was able to cope with “losing her” every other week because I realized that that was what Jessica needed from me at the

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