Personal Leadership Statement

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As a person who is for the most part uncomfortable with change, it is important that I find ways be a leader in a world that is ever changing. In order to be the best and most prepared leader as possible, it is necessary to be aware of one’s core identity and the values, talents, and strengths that are included in this. Consistent with the indications of Vaill’s term, “permanent white water”, the tendency of the world to change is unavoidable and “continual”. We as leaders must find ways to adapt and acclimate ourselves to these situations. Through the discovery of my core values, talents, leadership style, I will be able to develop an action plan to transform my talents into strengths and use leadership techniques to best accommodate my ambitions.

Although I have many core values, including diligence, happiness, helpfulness, true friendship, freedom, and intelligence, the most significant in my life are love, morality, honesty, and forgivingness. Throughout my life, these particular values have proved key to becoming the person I wished to be. “The term leadership involves our self-images and moral codes” (Values in Leadership). In order to lead and to be someone who upholds their values, one must be fully aware of what is important to them and what drives them.

Throughout high school, my values played a key part in the examples I set and the actions of the people I was around. For instance, one of my best friends wanted to steal a small item from a store in which we were shopping. I informed her that I simply would not allow her to so something like that while I was with her. I could not control her actions when I was not there, but I would alert someone if she decided to follow through on her plot. In this instance, by asse...

... middle of paper ... church at least three times a month, starting in March. Over the next year, I will also take time every night to read the Bible (at least three chapters) and pray to receive guidance on the direction my life should take and to further internalize my preexisting value set. Additionally, I will go on at least one mission trip before I am finished with my undergraduate degree.

To develop my talent for individualization, a goal for the next quarter is to keep a journal in which I log one observation of any person per day. In addition to the observation, I will also expound upon how this trait could be useful, harmful, etc. This will help hone my observation skills by making them more meaningful and active.

Works Cited

Vaill, Peter. Learning as a Way of Being: Strategies for Survival in a World of Permanent White Water. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1996. Print.

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