My Goals In College

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During high school my teachers lectured my classmates and I on goal making. I specifically remember my health teacher using the SMART method; this says goals must be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time bound. Even though I had a great resource to make smart goals for myself, I never took the time to construct a game plan. Entering the vast new world of college, I want to improve myself by keeping several goals in mind each month, week, and day. My process starts by creating intellectual, psycho-emotional, physical, and social goals to work towards in my four years of college. Intellectual goals have always been in the back of my mind. Growing up my parents always emphasized the importance of education because neither went to college and they saw the flourishing need for degrees to apply for many jobs. This encouraged me to achieve the highest GPA I could and challenged myself with every honors class my school offered. My goal for the next four years, is to earn a 4.0 GPA, receive honors in my major of biology, and to continuously challenge myself with my coursework. I will accomplish my goal by discussing class options with my advisors and studying hard, whether it be by myself, in a learning center, or within a study group. …show more content…

I have the tendency to procrastinate working on assignments and increasing pressure on myself by working on a big project last minute. I struggled with this downfall throughout high school, and since I have more difficult classwork now, I want to change this devastating problem. I plan to battle this struggle by using my planner to keep track of assignment, project, and test dates. I will be continuously looking at my planner throughout the day to update it, so I will be reminded of due dates. In turn, I hope this helps me start assignments sooner so I can spread my workload over multiple days and have extra time to check my

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