My Defining Moment Essay

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Finally, I could sit back in the black leather car seat and just relax. I had been overwhelmed from the days before and just wanted to snuggle up in my warm soft bed at home. Even though the past few days had been the best part of my summer, I was ecstatic to be driving back to my town to get back to my conventional life that I had left for the weekend. The weekend all commenced when Michael and I got off work/football practice and decided to drive down to stay with my mom. Usually plans like this don’t work because there’s always some sort of conflict, but luckily, this time, there was not. My heart was already racing because of all the fun things we had scheduled for the next few days. By the time we got down to Des Moines it was roughly 10 o’clock and I was absolutely fatigued. I pulled the jersey knit sheet, which was the softest thing ever, over my head and passed out before I knew it. …show more content…

I was so excited for the new experience! We drove there and the line to get into parking was huge. We probably waited there for as long as we waited in line for a roller coaster. It was crazy, but I guess I couldn’t expect any different. I looked to the left of me where the roller coasters were peaking high over the trees around. I heard the cheerful screams of other people with the smell of corn dogs, funnel cakes, and a faint bit of tobacco from outside the gates. “I want to go on that one first”, I told Michael as I was pointing to the large ride that drops straight down. We headed over to the ride I requested and stood in line for a

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