Musi Music's Therapeutic Effects Of Depression

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Many take music for granted and just perceive it as a form of entertainment for centuries, but it is utilized for much more than just entertainment. From therapy to politics, it has been deemed useful for various reasons.

One of music’s profound useful abilities are its therapeutic impact towards depression. Music’s ability to alter someone’s mood to a positive state is the reason why it is so effective. Depressed individuals are capable of reaching that positive state when they listen to cheerful, happy, and upbeat music. It becomes almost like therapy, meaning it helps an individual overcome their depression. Even if it lasts for a short while, that one moment could open up the opportunity for someone to overcome their depression. Studies have shown that backs up the fact that music can boost your mood, and even act as therapy. Music is cheaper, more convenient, and has greater therapeutic effects than any other alternative therapy, and it is for that reason, that it deems its usefulness. …show more content…

Because of music’s power to boost an individual’s mood, many use upbeat, fast tempo music while working out. It has proven to boost your heart rate, giving you a motivational boost, and therefore enhancing your workout. Many of us have experienced walking into gym and noticing everyone’s ears are plugged with some sort of listening device. This is because many people have latched onto the idea of using music as a workout “boost”, or a source of motivation. This “boost” can easily enhance your workout and lead to better results - a healthier you. It’s a domino effect that has people noticing the usefulness of music not just in therapy, but also whilst working

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