Moving From Dependence To Autonomy Summary

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The world of healthcare is one which many patients struggle to navigate, especially in terms of making difficult choices regarding their care. This is especially true of younger people, who will be exposed to the future of constant challenges in evolving diseases, environments, and treatments. Adolescence is the tricky, midway stage between childhood and adulthood, where the phrase “young adult” is the symbol of growing freedoms and responsibilities. Many people recognize that this special age group is a transitional period where the weight of decision making is passed from parents to their children. Dr. Vic Larcher in “Moving from dependence to autonomy: Adolescents’ decisions regarding their own health care,” provides the health care professional’s standpoint: “Legally, it seems that adolescents’ right to consent and confidentiality depends on their capacity to exercise it. Ethically, professionals have a duty to respect and enhance adolescents’ evolving capacity to make health care choices and respect their confidentiality, provided that doing so does not produce harm to adolescents or to others.” In this context, although adolescents need an increased role in decision …show more content…

Arguably, the best source of experience is from your own parents, whom you can observe as they make their own choices based on their values and knowledge. Also, any medically related situation requires the involvement of many other people besides the patient, including your medical team who is often your best advisor in the technical capacity. Some people may not have a thorough understanding of their medical history and may make a regrettable decision resulting from incomplete conclusions. Communication of essential information between parents, adolescents, and medical professionals can ease this

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