Tyrell Dueck Case Study Papers

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Tyrell Dueck Case Study The case study reviewed is about a competent 14 year old Canadian boy who has bone cancer and has refused further chemotherapy treatment. His parents are Christians and agree to his wishes, they decide to seek alternative therapy. The health care team disagreed and the case went to court. The court case ended when the physician found out the cancer had spread and there was nothing more that could be done. Competent adults have the legal right to make decisions about their own health care without being challenged by a physician. However, in some instances, those same competent adults cannot make medical decisions for their children without the courts stepping in and overriding the parents’ legal rights. One of the most challenging and complicated task as a parent is to make a medical decision about their child that could mean life or death (The Canadian Bar Association, 2012). The case study addresses the rights of the parents to decline further medical treatment for their son and his rights as the patient to refuse further treatment. The authority to...

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