Ethical Dilemmas Of A School Counselor

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The Oxford dictionary defines an ethical dilemma as “a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two courses of action, either of which entails transgressing a moral principle.” It is not uncommon to face such predicaments in the workplace but few occupations present more ethical dilemmas than that of a school counselor. Although jobs in counseling and social work often present ethical dilemmas, having to maintain confidentiality, share information with parents and bypass consent all while maintaining an honest relationship with the student seems almost impossible to accomplish. Deciding whether or not to breach confidentiality in order to help a minor student can seem like an unnerving task. Essentially, the final decision …show more content…

As such, they cannot legally give consent to be counseled. It is still a counselor’s duty to hold the same confidentiality rules to protect the information shared by the minor. The fact that the student is a minor would not nullify the confidentiality statute that would normally take effect upon consent during any other counseling session. After assessing the magnitude of the issue(s) at hand, the school counselor would then decide whether or not to involve the parents or other school educators who can help. This action is solely a professional judgment call and does not adhere to any pre-set rules or regulations on how to take action. There is no umbrella category that specific behavior or confidential conversations would fall under as every circumstance is different. “It is all-important to remember that practical or moral rules are only general an always admit of exceptions.” (TEXTBOOK p 51). The final call will be based on the best interest of the minor student with or without explicit …show more content…

The school setting makes this task quite daunting since “a culture of open communication regarding student information is quite common among educators in school settings” (ARTICLE P337). Even so, it is important to disclose only the most vital information so as to not jeopardize one’s job duties nor compromise one’s ethics. When taking in a situation in its entirety, a school counselor must dissect all of the information given and only release what is absolutely necessary in order to take action – if any action is needed. The relationship of trust between the school counselor and the minor student must be kept intact and remain unaffected at all cost. Releasing too much information would create mistrust and separation between the two, leaving the student with no one else to turn to. It is imperative that this does not occur as the influx of information from a student to an adult is necessary for the child’s

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