Motorcycles, Scooters, or Cars- Which are Best?

656 Words2 Pages

Going Green with Chrome

Every day we need some form of chrome to help us fulfill our everyday commute or daily routine, may it be four wheels or two. Going green is the way to go when it comes to our everyday commute or our runs around town. There are many advantages to both and disadvantages when it comes to two wheels or four. I believe it is all up to person and there needs to suit them. Nevertheless, I believe we need to move towards a greener two-wheel future. With all the inflation and pollution, we need to move towards a more green chrome future.

Widely throughout the world, motorcycles and scooters are primarily the main source of transportation. In Europe as well as Asia, this is the most logical, safe, fast, and economical way to travel. Two wheels are the most efficient way to get around in everyday traffic and is the logical choice for everyday commutes to and from work. If you cannot carpool it makes sense, two wheels pollute less, use less gas and are generally less expensive to maintain or purchase. For motorcycles and scooters, it is cheaper to insure, care for, ...

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