Mississippi Burning

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Mississippi Burning

Mississippi Burning is a gruesome reminder of some of the pain and hardship that African Americans in the South dealt with because of their skin color. If your skin color was anything other than white, then you were classified as dirty, impure, ugly, and all the degrading names you can find. Having colored skin subjected you to racism and hate crimes as portrayed by the sheriffs and the Ku Klux Klan’s in the movie.

The depictions in this movie showed only a small fraction of troubles African Americans had to deal with during the time of segregation. According to the dates in this movie, the Brown vs. Board case had already been decided on by the Supreme Court, which was supposed to put an end to racial injustice. However, even the Justices in the Supreme Court knew that the idea of true equality for colored people would not be graciously accepted by society. Even if you were a white American and you disagreed with the conditions blacks had to suffer through in those times, it was dangerous to speak out against the internal and external pain that was being ...

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