Analysis Of Jim Crow

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The Declaration of Independence stated that, "All men are created equal" but this statement did not have any meaning for white men between 1876- 1965 due to the institution of slavery. The Thirteenth Amendment was passed in 1865and put an end to slavery. The Fourteenth Amendment granted equal protection under law, and the Fifteenth Amendment gave black people the right to vote. Despite these Amendments, African Americans were still treated differently than whites. According to the law, blacks and whites could not use the same public facilities, ride the same buses, attend the same schools, etc. These laws came to be known as Jim Crow laws. The documentary focused on Charles Hamilton Houston, also known as “the man who killed Jim Crow.” He was a prominent African American lawyer, Dean of Howard University Law School, and the director of The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). He began his fight against segregation between whites and blacks alone but gradually started to encourage other young lawyers to join him in his fight. These young lawyers continu...

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