Mission Trip Research Paper

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Sunday morning I remember being in a rush to clean my room and rush over to breakfast. There was a lot of bustle in the dorm and we were all making last minute preparations to make sure that we were ready. Before mission trip had even really begun we were faced with a 2 hour delay but eventually we were on the road and mission trip had officially begun. We would be driving from northern California all the way to northern Arizona. The first day we just drove for approximately 8 hours until we got to the hotel where we would stop for the night. Then the next morning, after breakfast, we were back on the road and that evening we arrived at Holbrook Indian School at around 6:15. We had worship with them that night and then we all proceeded to go to bed. …show more content…

We then split up into three groups: fencing, building sheds, and remodeling the girl’s dorm. I was in the last group. We spent the rest of the day repainting the recreation room and cleaning out four dorm rooms which were being used as storage rooms. The little kids really liked being around us but the older kids didn’t reach out to us very much or at all. I regret not making any effort myself. After lunch, a couple of the students on our trip played basketball with the older kids. While, I joined in with playing red light greed light and soon found out that the younger kids had a deep love for piggy back

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